1.The text has been updated to reflect developments in the field, including the COSO Internal Control Framework, FASB Conceptual Framework of Accounting, Audit Clarity Project, and CoBIT 5.
2.Every chapter has a brand new “AIS in the Business World” focused on a company students are likely to recognize. Companies include Starbucks, Amazon, Google, Barnes & Noble, and Netflix.
3.The 博客來AICPA Core Competency Framework is mentioned throughout the text, demonstrating the importance and relevance of AIS to students’ careers.
4.Many of the end-of-chapter exercises and problems have been revised and updated.
5.At the end of each part of the fourth edition, you’ll find an installment of a “comprehensive problem.” All installments are based on Big Marker, a videoconferencing service.
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作者: Robert L. Hurt
新功能介紹- 出版社:華泰文化
博客來網路書店新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2015/05/08
- 語言:英文
作者: Robert L. Hurt
新功能介紹- 出版社:華泰文化
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2015/05/08
- 語言:英文
1.The text has been updated to reflect developments in the field, including the COSO Internal Control Framework, FASB Conceptual Framework of Accounting, Audit Clarity Project, and CoBIT 5.
2.Every chapter has a brand new “AIS in the Business World” focused on a company students are likely to recognize. Companies include Starbucks, Amazon, Google, Barnes & Noble, and Netflix.
3.The AICPA Core Competency Framework is mentioned throughout the text, demonstrating the importance and relevance of AIS to students’ careers.
4.Many of the end-of-chapter exercises and problems have been revised and updated.
5.At the end of each part of the fourth edition, you’ll find an installment of a “comprehensive problem.” All installments are based on Big Marker, a videoconferencing service.
Accounting Information Systems- Basic Concepts and Current issues(4版)
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